Демография дремлющих душ

0 out of 5


The present bilingual collection contains Russian poems written by Alexander Veytsman and corresponding English translations performed by Lawrence Bogoslaw.

В настоящем сборнике собраны стихотворения Александра Вейцмана, написанные за последние два десятилетия. Параллельно представлены английские переводы Лоуренса Богослава с сопроводительным эссе о методике перевода.

Книга подготовлена к печати совместно с издательством Bagriy & Company, Chicago, IL.


ISBN: 978-1950319879
Формат: 5.5″ x 8.5″
Страниц: 160
Обложка: Твердая цв. лам. обл.
Год издания: Октябрь 2022

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The present bilingual collection contains Russian poems written by Alexander Veytsman and corresponding English translations performed by Lawrence Bogoslaw.

В настоящем сборнике собраны стихотворения Александра Вейцмана, написанные за последние два десятилетия. Параллельно представлены английские переводы Лоуренса Богослава с сопроводительным эссе о методике перевода.

About the author and translator

Александр Вейцман пишет стихотворения и прозу на английском и русском языках. Автор нескольких книг. Его стихи, переводы, рассказы и эссе опубликованы более чем в пятидесяти журналах в разных уголках земного шара. Выпускник Гарвардского и Йельского университетов. Живёт в Нью-Йорке.

Alexander Veytsman writes poetry and prose in both English and Russian languages. He is the author of several books. His original poems, translations, as well as short stories and essays, have appeared in more than fifty publications worldwide. A graduate of Harvard and Yale universities, Alexander lives in New York City.

Лоренс Богослав — директор издательства East View Press и соучредитель Миннесотской лаборатории перевода для эмигрантов и беженцев. Вёл курсы русского языка и перевода в нескольких университетах. Регулярно выступает с лекциями на темы перевода, культуры, литературы и журнализма.

Laurence Bogoslaw is the director of East View Press and a co-founder of the Minnesota Translation Laboratory, a community language service for immigrants and refugees. He has taught Russian and translation courses at various universities. In addition, he regularly gives presentations on translation, culture, literature and journalism.

1 review for Демография дремлющих душ

  1. 0 out of 5

    …As a reviewer who is fluent in both English and Russian, I approach the reading of such works as Alexander Veytsman’s «Демография дремлющих душ» / A Succession of Somnolent Souls (‎IM Press/M-Graphics, 2022), translated by Laurence Bogoslaw, as if in stereo, considering the Russian original and the English translation as independent, but related, works of poetry.

    Those who translate poetry must contend with the conundrum of managing the transfer of information from systems of form (including meter, rhyme, alliteration, assonance, and enjambment, among other features) as well as from systems of meaning (including metaphor, simile, idiomatic expressions, cultural references, connotations, associations, and allusions, among other features) synergistically, so that the power of the combination of form and meaning in the original language is somehow reflected in the power of the combination of those two systems in the target language into which the work is translated. This challenge can be greater or lesser by virtue of the linguistic and cultural proximity of the two languages and cultures; for example, translating poetry from Swedish into Danish might be easier—both linguistically and culturally—than translating poetry from Lingala into Tagalog…

    Full text of this review can be found here

    — Benjamin Rifkin, New Jersey

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