Janet Kotler: Life Goes On


The author’s  life story is unique among her many friends and acquaintances. Janet’s parents, scared of the Great Depression, left America for Soviet Russia before she was born, arriving by ship shortly before the beginning of Stalin’s campaign of total terror. Years later, Janet would expunge their strange choice when she, with her husband and their daughter, left the Socialist paradise (after eight years as refuseniks) to return to the country her mom and dad had left.

Janet Kotler’s writing is living proof of the adage that a person’s substance can be known through her writing style. Janet is a lovely person, friendly and genuine, calm and empathetic. These rare qualities shine through the lines of her prose. Janet’s book is a compelling read, interesting and informative and infused with unmistakable human warmth.

The book is published and can be purchased on Amazon.com.



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